10 A home directory already exists for this service. Creating a new home directory will cause the existing directory to no longer be a home directory. An alias will be created for the existing home directory.
11 More than 1 home directory was found. An automatic alias will be generated instead.
12 Log file name: %s
13 The alias you have given is invalid for a non-home directory.
14 Deny Access On
15 Grant Access On
16 The log type is invalid
19 INyymmdd.log
20 INyymmww.log
21 INyymm.log
22 INETSRVn.log
23 Granted
24 Error
25 This value applies to all Microsoft Information Services on this computer. Are you sure you want to change it?
26 (Disabled)
27 (Not Installed)
28 Please enter at least %1 character(s).
29 Standard Format
30 NCSA Format
40 NCyymmdd.log
41 NCyymmww.log
42 NCyymm.log
43 NCSAn.log
44 The passwords don't match!
45 Network &ID:
46 &IP Address:
47 The peer iis services are limited to 10 connections. Limit set to 10.
48 Warning: The peer iis services are limited to 10 connections. Setting a limit higher than 10 is a violation of your license agreement.
1000 Gopher
1001 Gopher Service Properties for %s
1002 The change in port number will not take effect until the service has been restarted.
1003 Gopher Service Properties for Selected Servers
10004 WINSOCK Error: Interrupted system call.
10009 WINSOCK Error: Bad file number.
10013 WINSOCK Error: Access denied.
10014 WINSOCK Error: Bad address.
10022 WINSOCK Error: Invalid argument.
10024 WINSOCK Error: Too many open files.
10035 WINSOCK Error: Operation would block.
10036 WINSOCK Error: Operation now in progress.
10037 WINSOCK Error: Operation already in progress.
10038 WINSOCK Error: Socket operation on non-socket.